Added a poll over HERE, give me your two cents when you get a moment, would ya?…
Service status update
Hey All, After the new DJ system dropped offline and we reverted to the old system we waited & waited…
This was so funny I had to post it. It’s killing me… (Even better, I found the original vid on…
More Updates
The new site has been coming along. (So don’t mind that awful quickie mashup of the logo above) Now the…
Switching back for now!
Just switched back to the new DJbox which supposedly has been up for some time but the account management crap…
Sorry about the outage!
In trying to increase performance, features, functionality & capacity I of course switched the system that plays all the music…
Looks ok for now…
Everything seems to be working well with the new machine handling station operations and the site moved on to a…
New Site Coming
Hey! Working on a new site here……