I last year discovered Damage Control by the successful debut full length “Ultranoia”, which is a real masterpiece revealing intelligent…
Category Archives: Facebook
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840 US Dollar per post. That is what Facebook wants us to pay in order to reach our followers.
Facebook is seriously undermining the reach pages have these days. This is no problem for online shops since they get…
Die Krupps frontman Jürgen Engler launches EBM-only project Die Robo Sapiens – watch the video announcement + listen to first song
Those who follow Die Krupps on Facebook had a very nice EBM-day surprise as the band’s frontman Jürgen Engler did…
Side-Line readers say ‘F**k off’ to Facebook’s newest page reach killing
Update: For your info, just for the joke of it we planned to promote this article heavily on Facebook using…
‘Click Interview’ with 11Grams: ‘A Futuristic Album About Transhumanism’
11Grams saw the daylight thanks to the internet. This project is the meeting between American Rob Early (Retrogramme) and Australian…
Schwarzblut has a new album in the pipeline, expected for April
(Photo by Viorica Cernica) The – excellent ! – Dutch teutonic electro combo Schwarzblut have a new album in the…
Ex-Marilyn Manson keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy has a beef with Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan
Kid’s time again in music land. Ex-Marilyn Manson keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy has posted a Facebook rant in which he…
All new Front 242 sideproject Lederman / De Meyer launched – check out the first track as livecasted on Facebook
The announcement of Die Krupp’s EBM-only side project Die Robo Sapiens wasn’t the only surprise on EBM-day this weekend. A…
‘Click Interview’ with Implant: ‘Music Is A Bit Like Sex In A Long-Term Relationship’
Set up in 1992 by Len Lemaire and Geert Machtelinck, Belgian Implant celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2017 releasing their…
Exclusive streaming upcoming Psy’Aviah album ‘Lightflare’ + interview
Coming out this Friday is the brand new Psy’Aviah album “Lightflare”, and as announced a while back, we are today…
Click Interview’ with Noyce™: ‘Music Has Lost Its Value Through Spotify And Others’
Set up and driven by the creative spirit of Florian Schäfer and Oliver Goetz, German formation Noyce™ is already active…
Facebook has officially killed page reach
A few weeks ago Side-Line posted an article in which we announced that Facebook was about to kill the reach…