Submit your music

Please do be sure the ID3 (or equivalent) tags in submitted tracks are fully and correctly filled out 

Good file names doesn’t hurt either; we simply cannot tweak every file in every album we get and what’s in the tags is what people see online and what we’re promoting. Including album art! Pack them full of info!

CD quality or better MP3 or OGG files are ideal for radio streaming and FLAC or other non-Wav format is preferred for Industrial DJ and other DJ mixes.

If you’d like to get played on live DJ mixes & podcast sets please do submit fully tagged FLAC formatted music. If you submit ‘Wav’ files there’s no metadata which shows your investment in the project & promotion and makes more work than we can keep up with, so FLAC, AIFF, or whatever other studio quality format you can send would be best.

Send them in a Zip (hopefully with Artist/Album/Artist – Trackname.mp3 pathing/naming) and drop them off at the official repo here:

PLEASE remember, to use all the tags you can in your music. That’s what people will see, that’s what comes up on the web site and the buy links and what I’ll have on hand when I’m on the mixer, that’s the data that will persist when I want to talk about you, and digging through decades of email is rarely an option on the spot when I need to know something.

Send me a ping on twitter! Hit the contact form! Get in touch! Let’s jam these tunes in people’s ears!